Serving at St Mark's

The following is a list of some of the ways you could consider serving in the year ahead. Please prayerfully consider your involvement and indicate on this form areas where you have an interest in serving. The list is by no means exhaustive but represents some of the needs at this time. For specific details please refer to the Serve brochure.

You can complete this form online at  Please use a separate form for each person. 

Please note that all people volunteering to assist with children or youth need to have completed Safe Ministry training and provide a Working With Children clearance form. Volunteering for a position also doesn't automatically mean appointment to that position.  A number of positions also require a willingness to attend training, courses, team meeetings etc.


Name and Contact Details

I am willing to invest my time and skills by serving in the following areas:

Excellent Worship

Children and Youth

All of Life Discipleship

Growing Community

Effective Outreach

Ministry Support

Other ministries and ideas

Thank you for your willingness to serve in this way.